Wednesday 25 October 2017

Task #3 Roswell aliens incident

En Julio de 1947, un extraño objeto cayó del cielo y un granjero de Nuevo México, Mac Brazel, descubrió unos restos metálicos por su rancho cerca de Corona. Los militares no pudieron dar de qué materiales era. Jesse Marcel, desde la base, describió los restos como material indestructible parecido a un pergamino, como ningún otro material existente en la Tierra. Algunos ufólogos han argumentado que una nave alienígena se estrelló cerca de Roswell y que se recuperaron varios cadáveres de origen extraterreste. Igualmente se ha postulado que si Roswell fuera de verdad un accidente extraterrestre, como muchos insisten, algunos especialistas OVNI argumentarían que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos sabe que los extraterrestres han visitado nuestro planeta desde al menos 1947, pero todavía no lo admiten, y el gobierno estadounidense está actualmente en posesión de tecnología alienígena.

Personally, I don't believe in aliens as such, but I know there must be more life in the galaxy, like particles. I don't believe in aliens as green beings, or OVNIS. I believe that if they existed and they visit us, they could be friends. As long as the human doesn't attack them. They could help us in some way, but I repeat, only in they really existed.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Task #2 My visit to a zoo/natural reserve

I am going to tell about my visit to a zoo/natural reserve:
It was six years ago, I went with my father and my sister in a car. It was the zoo of Fuengirola. It took about an hour to get there. We saw many types of animals like tigers, lions and peacocks. There were many birds. We saw the crocodriles too. We stayed all afternoon in that place because it was quite wide. I liked the place a lot, but I felt sorry for seeing the animals locked inside. I remember that the ticket was not very expensive. I would recommend the site because it's curious and you can see spectacular animals.